Research Assignment 1

Lee Friedlander creates his photos to show the civilization of the people in the city. His work is called "American Social Landscapes" where his many photos can be taken from many different perspectives of the people and their social lives. Whether it was from walking on the street to capturing events such as a parades. Friedlander shows many images that show the chaos in city life. For example, in image 1, it shows that it is a very chaotic street and seeing that many are passing as it is to show what is life like in the city. In image 2, it shows a photo of a waitress at a local restaurant and this would also show the way of the lives of civilians when it would come to their social life because this shows the perspective of a woman having to clean in order to maintain and  to stay in the city life.

"Photographing the American Psyvhe"by Lee Friedlander

"Fraenkel Gallery" by Lee Friedlander

In Andre Kertesz's photos, they show the sense of shadow that illustrate more than one object to observe. When it comes to shadows, it makes it seem like a different object then the original. For example, as shown in image 1 shows that the shadow shows many illustrations then what it seems to be. When first looking at the chairs, we assume that the shadow will show the same thing. However, it showed more than the original object in the shadow, such as seeing a table as well as a stool. On image 2, shows the photo of a curved fork, and as you see the shadow you can illustrate the fork looks straight. This is one of the techniques that Kertesz did in order to obtain these illustrations. He would use different settings in where the light to hit and it was a way for the shadows to have it's effect.

"Art of Poise" by Andre Kertesz

"Fork" by Andre Kertesz
